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Our Commodore

Geraldine Finlay

I was proud that JFK was honoring my ancestor, John Barry, by laying a wreath at his statue in Wexford.

Almost 10, I knew about the visit of this god like, bronzed Adonis but my real interest was in the Commodore whose exploits as a privateer & naval hero were often recounted by my Dad.

My father’s family lived on the Burrow beach in Rosslare Strand, directly across the bay from the Crescent where Barry’s statue stands. John Barry sailed from the home of his Uncle Nicholas Barry (my direct ancestor) in the Burrow & ended up founding the fledgling US navy.

So you see, to me, JFK was not the most important person that day in Wexford. He was just honoring our family!

- in Wexford Harbour